Enhance the XML program to add spaces to show the indentation structure.
Builder := Object clone Builder numIndents := 0 Builder doIndents := method (for (i, 1, numIndents, write(" "))) Builder openTag := method(name, doIndents; writeln("<", name, ">")) Builder closeTag := method(name, doIndents; writeln("</", name, ">")) Builder forward := method ( openTag(call message name); numIndents = numIndents + 1; call message arguments foreach ( arg, content := self doMessage(arg); if (content type == "Sequence", doIndents; writeln(content)) ); numIndents = numIndents - 1; closeTag(call message name) ) Builder ul( li("Javascript"), li("Lua"), li("Javascript") )
Create a list syntax that uses brackets
squareBrackets := method(call message arguments)
Enhance the XML program to handle attributes: if the first argument is a map (use the curly brackets syntax), add attributes to the XML program. For example: book({"author": "Tate"}...) would print <book author="Tate">.
OperatorTable addAssignOperator(":", "atPutNumber") Map atPutNumber := method( self atPut( call evalArgAt(0) asMutable removePrefix("\"") removeSuffix("\""), call evalArgAt(1) ) ) curlyBrackets := method( map := Map clone; call message arguments foreach(arg, map doMessage(arg)); map ) Builder := Object clone Builder numIndents := 0 Builder doIndents := method (for (i, 1, numIndents, write(" "))) Builder doAttributes := method(map, map keys foreach(key, write(" ", key, "=\"", map at(key) ,"\""))) Builder forward := method ( doIndents; write("<", call message name); if(call message arguments size == 0, writeln(">")); numIndents = numIndents + 1; call message arguments foreach (i, arg, content := self doMessage(arg); if (i == 0, if(content type == "Map", doAttributes(content)); writeln(">") ) if (content type == "Sequence", doIndents; writeln(content)); ); numIndents = numIndents - 1; doIndents; writeln("</", call message name, ">") )
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