Sunday, March 4, 2012

Password Security 101 for Web Developers

Passwords are still the only mean of authentication for I'd say 99.95% of all online services including social networking sites, online shops and even e-banking applications. When you think about the consequences of a password theft, say for your personal email account, you'll soon realize that a password such as 123456, iloveyou or your mom's birthdate is totally insufficient... (see this and change your password everywhere if you get a match).

There a lots of articles that will tell you what a (more) secure password looks like (I especially like this one as well as it's illustration). And although many web sites will impose some password policy during registration that will reject any password unless it contains some digit or special characters, the choice (and the complexity) is ultimately left to the user. What's unavoidable is that users are almost certainly going to reuse at least one password sometime for one or the other online service. Haven't you also? (don't blush).

So what can you as a developer do about it? I don't know, but I can tell you what you should totally avoid if you don't want yourself and your company to be looked at as total newbs.

First realize that passwords are the user's good and you are due to treat that information with absolute care. Every single one of your clients has spent the effort of selecting some unnatural string, repeating the process until it complied with your password policy and spending the rest of the day trying not to forget it. This is the reason why user's will eventually reuse a password. So bear in mind, that you're not storing a user's password for your web application only, but most probably also for a number of other services the user has registered to. Respecting your client's integrity means that you will never disclose that data, not even internally within your company.

The most important precaution you should take when dealing with password data is: never ever store passwords in clear text. No system is safe enough, not even yours. And the risk's not worth it. If you don't know how to avoid storing passwords in clear text, learn about hash functions and salting.

Second rule: never ever send a password back to the user (for instance via email). This is totally unprofessional. You're not only showing your client that you're storing passwords in clear text (i.e. that you're a newb), you're also compromising his password by sending it over an unsecure channel.

I assume companies do this to reduce support cases related to lost passwords. They should rethink it all over. Recent attacks have shown how much damage is caused to the company (reputation) as well as to their clients by having confidential user data stolen. Think about RSA, the Sony Playstation network or recently Youporn (should you not know, the most popular pornographic website)...

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