The self-study assignment consists in writing a program that will take a tic-tac-toe board and determine which player won (if any):
import; object TicTacToe extends App { val wins = List( List(0, 1, 2), List(3, 4, 5), List(6, 7, 8), List(0, 3, 6), List(1, 4, 7), List(2, 5, 8), List(0, 4, 8), List(2, 4, 6) ) val input = Source.fromFile("tictactoe.txt").mkString val board = (for (chars <- "X|O".r findAllIn input) yield chars).toList if (isWin("X")) { if (isWin("O")) { println("Tie") } else { println("Player X wins") } } else { if (isWin("O")) { println("Player O wins") } else { println("No winner") } } def isWin (char: String): Boolean = { for (win <- wins) { var result = true for (x <- win) { result &= board(x) == char } if (result) return true } return false } }
Here's a more elegant way to implement the isWin method (thanks Robin :-)):
ReplyDeletedef isWin (char: String): Boolean = {
wins.exists { win =>
win.forall{ i => board(i) == char }