Some links:
Print the string "Hello, world."
>> puts "Hello, World" Hello, World => nil
For the string "Hello, Ruby", find the index of the word "Ruby"
>> "Hello, Ruby".index("Ruby") => 7
Print your name ten times
>> 10.times { puts "ant0inet" } ant0inet ant0inet ant0inet ant0inet ant0inet ant0inet ant0inet ant0inet ant0inet ant0inet => 10
Run a Ruby program from a file.
$ cat > hello_world.rb << EOF > #!/usr/bin/env ruby > puts "Hello, world." > EOF $ ruby hello_world.rb Hello, world.
Write a program that picks a random number. Let a player guess the number, telling the player whether the guess is too low or too high.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby random_num = rand(10) + 1 puts "Enter your guess:" guess = gets.to_i until guess == random_num if guess < random_num puts "too low" else puts "too high" end guess = gets.to_i end puts "correct"
Nice overview in ruby. I'm looking forward on seeing the Erlang or Io or languages I still have no idea of.