For the last couple of years, I've been planting a CTF-like challenge as an easter egg in Swisscom's security.txt file (RFC 9116). The current challenge is here: All challenges are also archived on Github: I thought it was about time to provide the solutions to the past challenges. You can find the writeup for 2023 and 2022 in my last posts here and here. Now let's continue with year 2024. You were given the following string:
aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL3N3aXNzY29tL3NlY3VyaXR5dAs in the 2022 challenge, experienced blue teamers will quickly recognize the Base64 encoding as well as guess it's a URL, judging from the prefix. The decoded value links to a file named on the Swisscom github repository. A quick identification using the linux file command tells us it's a Nintendo Game Boy ROM:
$ file 2024.gbThere is a myriad of Game Boy emulators to run the ROM on, here are only a few suggestions: Game Boy ROM image: "DEBRUIJN" (Rev.01) [ROM ONLY], ROM: 256Kbit
- Emulicious multi-system emulator written in Java for Windows, Linux, MacOS, which provides nice debugging capabilities
- GameBoy Online emulator written in Javascript that you can run off your browser
- MAME (Multi Arcade Machine Emulator), the mother of all emulators
Here are some screenshots of the results, running on the different emulators. The screen shows an electronic circuit composed of a PIN-pad, a 4-digit 7-segment display, some ICs labeled PBKDF2, ROM, AES and VRAM.
Using the Game Boy's D-pad, you can move a cursor over the digits of the PIN-pad. When pressing the A or B button, the digit under the cursor will be left-shifted on the 7-segment display. The START button changes the screen to something, which looks like static from an old TV set. Pressing START again will restore the initial screen. One can repeat the operation and notice, that the static pattern changes for every value in the 7-segment display. However, the pattern is not totally random, it seems to have a repeated cycle and you can almost discern letters in the middle, which reminds of the ECB pinguin.
Therefore, the solution of the challenge seems to be a 4-digit combination, which will unlock the second screen. Initial guesses like for example 1234, 1337, or 4711 all fail, so there must be more to it. There are two obvious strategies to solve this crackme:
- Reverse-engineering the ROM image, to analyse the encryption mechanism
- Or, due to the limited numbers of combinations, brute-force all 10'000 PINs
I will opt for the latter. To implement the brute-force strategy, we need a scriptable emulator, that allows for automation of the PIN-pad inputs, and validation of the resulting screen. After some online search, the choice quickly falls on PyBoy, a Game Boy emulator written in Python, which provides an application programming interface (API). PyBoy is a very interesting project that is also used to build AIs for speedrunning.
After getting familiar with the API by studying the provided examples and the documentation, we'll need to implement some basic blocks to interact with the game elements:
- The function move_to(target_digit) is used to move the cursor from the current position to the specified target digit using the shortest path. Note that the * and # keys are not reachable, therefore, some care needs to be taken for key 0, either as source or destination, since it lies in-between.
- We need to keep track of the 4-digits of the 7-segment display. The current value is stored in the shift_reg array and the shift(n) function is used to insert a new digit.
- Timing is important when pressing buttons, as the triggered operations will require a different number of CPU cycles (called ticks in PyBoy). We need to identify the least number of ticks for each operation in order to optimize the individual PIN validation cycle.
Using these primitives, we can now proceed with the actual brute force logic. The obvious approach is to iterate through the whole range of 4-digit PINs, starting from 0000, 0001, 0002, ..., until we finally reach 9999. This means that for every iteration, we feed 4 digits into the shift register, check the screen output, and repeat. However, there's a faster way. Remember the output of the file command? The ROM is titled DEBRUIJN, after the Dutch mathematician, famously known for the de Bruijn sequence:
A de Bruijn sequence is a cyclic sequence that contains every possible combination of a given set of symbols (like 0s and 1s) of a certain length exactly once. For example, for binary symbols and combinations of length 2, the sequence "0011" works because it includes all pairs—00, 01, 10, 11—without repetition. It's used in areas like computer science, data compression, and DNA sequencing because it efficiently encodes all possible combinations in the shortest way possible.
Other applications of de Bruijn in cyber security are for example: Depixelization, hacking garage doors, or finding the offset for overflow exploits. We will need the sequence of order 4 over the digits 0-9. I used the Python code from Wikipedia for this. This will reduce each iteration to feeding only 1 digit into the shift register before checking the screen output.
The last task remains: how can we actually identify the "right" screen output? In a straightforward approach, we could just simply take a screenshot of the result of every iteration, the filename being the current PIN. Visual review of the 10k screenshots as thumbnails will only take a couple of minutes. On the other hand, we can assume that the right screen will not be scrambled, meaning it has less entropy than all wrong screens. Hence, we only need to keep track of the screen with the least entropy, saving lots of inodes on the way.
You can find the Python code on my Github repo, it takes less than 2 mins to solve the challenge on a generic laptop.
The first 10 people who wrote a message to the e-mail address with the solution received some Swisscom swag as a reward. Note: the e-mail address was chosen as a reference to the 1999 hacker/cyberpunk movie The Matrix, following the nomenclature of the meeting rooms in the Swisscom Cyber Defence offices. Any other references are explicitly excluded.
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